Deadline: Wednesday, December 30, 11:59pm
Winner Announced: Tuesday, January 5, Noon
Prize: 2 Tickets to Opening Night of “Ordinary Days” at South Coast Repertory (Friday, January 8) and admission to post-show reception at AnQui restaurant
The Contest:
South Coast Repertory would like to see what your “Ordinary Day” looks like. Take 10 pictures throughout one day to make a photo album of your ordinary day and submit it to SCR. “Ordinary Days” composer Adam Gwon will judge the photos and pick what he feels is the most creative example of an ordinary day. Think outside of the box, this is very similar to the 12 of 12 project. Examples can be found on our Facebook fan page.
Contest Rules:
- All photos must be taken in one recent day. Not a collection of 10 photos from previous days.
- All photos must be original and taken by you.
- All photos must have a caption.
- Photo albums must be received by Tuesday, Dec. 29, 11:59pm.
- Only one submission per person.
- The winner of the opening night tickets for Ordinary Days must arrange their own transportation. The performance is Friday, Jan 8, at 7:45 p.m. at 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626.
- Photos cannot depict illegal activity, nudity or sexually explicit images.
Through Facebook
- First, make sure you’re a fan of South Coast Repertory (www.facebook.com/SouthCoastRepertory )
- Upload your photos into an album on your profile called “SCR Ordinary Days Contest.”
- Number and caption all your photos. (ie. 1 – Waking up to KPCC, 2 – Breakfast…yeah, it’s plain oatmeal because I’m ordinary.)
- Go to the SCR fanpage (www.facebook.com/SouthCoastRepertory <http://www.facebook.com/SouthCoastRepertory> ).
- Click on the “Boxes” Tab.
- Click on the thumbnail for any of the “Fan Photos”
- Click on the submenu link “See all Photos”
- Click the submenu link “Add Photos”
- Click on your “SCR Ordinary Days Contest” photos.
- Click on the “Select All” link and then click the “Add Selected Photos.”
- E-mail Peter J. Kuo at peter@scr.org to let him know you have uploaded your photos. (This step is very important as it lets us know that you submitted your photos before the deadline.)
Through E-mail
- Title your photos “SCR ODays Contest” and number them 1 thru 10.
- E-mail all your photos to Peter J. Kuo at peter@scr.org
- Put the photo captions in the body of your e-mail in the following format: 1 – Waking up to KPCC, 2 – Breakfast…yeah, it’s plain oatmeal because I’m ordinary.
- Note: You photos will be uploaded to our Facebook fan page, so make sure they are photos you’re okay with everyone seeing.