Eurydice’s beauty has many layers. Literally. Iris Marshall and Adriana Lambarri in SCR’s costume shop pattern and prepare 40 yards of dupioni silk—which will be joined with 17 yards of cotton—as part of the costume for one of the characters in the production. The best way to see it in its final form is to come to one of the performances, Sept. 23-Oct. 14.
Iris Marshall uses a cutter as she works on 40 yards of red dupioni silk. The fabric, along with 17 yards of cotton, will be used in a costume for SCR’s upcoming production of Eurydice. |
In the Costume Shop, Adriana Lambarri marks a section of 40 yards of dupioni silk. The red cloth is part of a costume being prepared for Eurydice. |
Using a chalk marker, Adriana Lambarri prepares a 40-yard-long swath of red dupioni silk for its use in a costume for Eurydice. |
That's a tracing wheel, not a cutter....just sayin'