“What struck me about this show was how ‘real’ it was,” Tim Weiss (Honorary Producer with his wife Jean) commented after First Night of The Motherfu**er with the Hat” on January 11th. “For me, this is what drama is all about. Taking a peek under the covers and seeing what makes real people in real situations either move on or not.
“I don’t normally tear up,” Weiss added, “so I was surprised when I did during the final scene.”
The audience clearly agreed. While reacting to the humor which was so much a part of the story, many playgoers struggled to hold back tears at the end—and then they all joined in the tremendous standing ovation.
The mood was lighter at the Cast Party that followed, co-sponsored by Pinot Provence. Even the hats—distributed to First Nighters as they entered the restaurant—were cheerily flourescent. But as they donned fedoras, sipped “beermosas”—beer, orange juice and champagne served in Mason jars—munched popcorn served from a cart, along with mini hot dogs and other New York-y treats, playgoers were serious about the show. And when the director, actors and designers arrived, they were greeted with spontaneous kudos.
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